Temporary Staffing Solutions 
Our Temps Work!
Campbell, Edgar Inc.’s TempWORK / RETAILTemps divisions provides great staff for short term work assignments within BC, and through our affiliates, all major markets across Canada.
- alll areas of retail
- administrative / office
- warehouse / logistics / transportation
Coverage for summer holidays, special or major sales, store opening / refits, and peak seasonal selling times – using our temporary staffing solutions will increase productivity while cutting your overtime, dramatically reducing your hiring and employee costs.
How May We Help You?
Contact us today to inquire about our services, or follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn for updates from Campbell, Edgar.
Different Options to Suit Your Specific Needs
If you have a specific project that needs certain expertise, but only for a finite period of time, we will find the just the right person to work with you on a contract basis.
Flexible-to-Permanent Staffing
In many cases clients use the temporary employment of an individual as a great opportunity to try out someone on an extended trial period, risk free from the expectation of converting that individual to permanent status at the end of a probationary period.
Employee Leasing & Payroll Service
Our employee leasing & payroll service places your employees or specific candidates you’d like to work for you onto the TempWORK / RETAILTemps payroll, and we then assign them to perform services for your firm.
Flex Staff
From Executives to skilled employees in IT, Finance, Administration, HR, Sales, Merchandising, Marketing and Logistics / Goods Handling – it is a proven good business practice to hire competent contingent workers for a specific project or only the time periods you need them for, as the cost of a flex staff worker is much lower than a permanent employee due to the elimination of benefit and hiring expenses.
What We Take Care Of
Payroll Processing
We print cheques or direct deposit to the employee’s account. Pay stubs are also processed and mailed for all pays.
Government Remittance Payments
We are responsible for all government remittances for TempWORK / RETAILTemps employees in accordance with provincial requirements. We issue all records / letters of employment and T4s. Income Tax, C.P.P., E.I., Health and Education tax requirements as well as the employer portion of Workplace Safety payments are all handled by Campbell, Edgar Inc.’s TempWORK / RETAILTemps divisions.
Our TempWORK / RETAILTemps insurance packages protects you and your organization in a unique way. We meet and exceed all insurance and assurance criteria for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, Non-Owned Automotive, Contingent Employer’s Liability, Excess Liability and Crime / Dishonesty.
- General Liability Insurance
- WCB of BC
- Health & Safety
- Employment Standards
Personality Profile Assessment Tools
Our associates have the opportunity to showcase their talents via a robust suite of testing tools, and clients who are seeking customized recruiting solutions have access to thousands of course titles to assess and identify the perfect talent for their firm. Please contact our office for specifics.
We will extend credit to clients for TempWORK / RETAILTemps services.
Please see Terms & Fees for information on our rates / fee structure.